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CasaPound Italia platform

The Italian nation needs to become once again a national organism with powerful and long-lasting life, aims and means of action, which are well above those of its single or grouped individuals.
It needs to represent once again a moral, political and economic unity, which is fully realised in the Nation State. Groups and individuals are to be conceived insofar as within this Nation State.
We require a State that is ethical, organic, inclusive, a spiritual guide and point of reference for the national community; a State that is once more a spiritual and moral entity. Its first task will be to reaffirm and recapture the sovereignty and autonomy threatened by the strong private and internationalistic powers.
We want a free and strong Italy, free from tutelage, master of all its energies, aimed toward its future. A social and national Italy according to a vision enshrined in the Italian Risorgimento, in futurism, in Mazzini, Corridoni, D’Annunzio, Gentile, Pavolini and Mussolini.
We consider our enemy and that of the nation all that places private interests before the common good, every individualistic and oligarchic conception of the State, all that leads to a defacement of its people and its culture, all that is enemy of its structure and essence.
We consider our friend and that of the nation everyone who operates in the interest of the Italian people and who takes to heart its destiny, beauty and social dignity.
Due to its history and for its destiny Italy has once again to exercise an avant-garde function in a sovereign Europe, united, independent, pacified and pacifying.

1. For public control of banks
The issuing of currency has been snatched away from the national community to favour private groups that dispossess the public good with controlled privatisations, keep citizens under usury, destroy savings, multiply debt and wreck the Social State.
Against the financial extortion and the return to a financial system in the service of real economy we propose:
  • Popular sovereignty on all channels of payment.
  • Unilateral end of public debt with subsequent amendment of Maastricht Treaty parameters by means of a new treaty.
  • A state-owned and government-controlled Banca d’Italia.
  • A central European Bank politically controlled by its member States, who take turns annually to act as its governors.
  • Creation of an Ethical National Bank
  • A return in spirit to the Banking Laws of 1936, where banks are separated in investment, deposit and credit banks, with a distinction between long-, medium- and short-term credit, a ban on creating money out of nothing, according to Nobel Prize winner Maurice Allais.
  • Support of smaller and local credit banks such as cooperative and artisanal banking institutions.
  • Legal ban of usury inasmuch perceived as crime against the national community.
  • Strict control of financial derivative trade, responsible for the financial crises. Ban on derivatives exchange concerning government bonds and bonds issued by public companies, banks of national interest, essential raw materials such as hydrocarbons and food product.
  • Ban on all public bodies (communal, regional) to self-fund with bonds on the market
  • Ban on short selling on financial markets.
  • Creation of a public rating European society, independent from London City and Wall Street, able to replace completely bodies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s.
  • Ban on cross-holding for all banks and companies.

2. For a confined European Trade Area
The free-market dictatorship, the short sighted and subservient politics of subsequent governments, the dismantling of the Fascist social welfare state have led Italians into unemployment, precariousness, proletarianization and forced and uncontrolled immigration.
We believe on the contrary in a strong and autarchic Europe with its own internal and politically regulated trade, that won’t expose European workers to compete with workers from countries where safeguarding, working hours and salaries are different. In short, a trade State continentally confined.
For this we propose:
  • An autarchy integrated into Europe, which has a privileged relationship with the Russian Federation, and a Mediterranean political sovereignty.
  • Safeguarding of national markets from who exploits workforce (see China and corporation articles produced in the Third and Fourth World) namely to prevent trade with those nations where workers have different safeguarding and protection from European workers.
  • Establishment of a regulation authority concerning the pressures of free market.
  • Revival of national product, which lacks authority from WTO dictatorship.
  • Concrete and resolute support to industrial areas and to company networks, to the safeguarding of SME, our truthful strength, and to enterprise growth, to young entrepreneurship and to particularly innovative projects and business.
  • The Italian State needs to take ownership on a European level of community taxation on consumer goods directly proportional to production distance and to the different social and working conditions where goods are produced.

3. For real diversity development, beyond multiracial society
The hellish instrument of mass immigration is one of the main carriers of uprooting and social, cultural and existential impoverishment to the detriment of all concerned populations, whether host or guest. In this very system aimed to kill its people there are no winners, apart from a few private organisms, soaked in ideological and confessional prejudice and some anti-national money-grubbing circle.
Immigrants, indeed, are  “a resource” only for progressive parities and for catholic societies such as Caritas. Moreover they are “a resource” for Confindustria (British CBI) and for the patronage, first in line to benefit from the neo-enslaving economy and from that “industrial reserve army” composed as always of disowned masses seeking work. These oligarchies feed war amongst poor and stir up hard feelings towards each other and create the “multiracial” dynamic, that in the up coming society will be more and more the norm rather than the exception.
Immigrants willingly accept poverty wages, which Italians are in no position to accept. The supply of immigrants will automatically become unnecessary once we stop exposing our companies to this competition; this will also protect our workforce, which at the present time are outvalued and surpassed by so called “competitive workers” par excellence: the immigrants.
Against the hellish circles of a multiracial society we propose the removal of the causes of immigration by means of:
  • Blocking of immigration tide
  • Cooperation with extra-European economic areas devoted to their development and independence from multinationals. Support of all extra-European identitarian movements that favour the rooting and resettlement of autochthonous populations.
  • Cessation of Schengen Agreement and ratification of a new treaty to regulate freedom of movement within the EU according to stricter social, economic, political and cultural criteria.
  • The establishment of a controlling body to oversee there won’t be favouritism in those social areas hit by the immigration wave.
  • Merciless battle with slave traders and their accomplices.
  • Blocking of funds to parasitic associations that, behind the hospitality policy, conceal their own economic, religious or ideological interests.
  • Abolition of identification and expulsion centres in regards to illegal aliens’ repatriation.
  • Permits and authorization withdrawal from those who prey on immigrants without residence permit, thereby increasing the misery, unemployment and precariousness of Italians.
Alongside these radical measures concerning immigration we propose for foreigners already present in our territory:
  • A definition – for any inflow of immigrants deemed needed in certain socio-economic contingencies – of quotas that take into consideration ethnic, social, cultural and religious factors present in the areas of origin.
  • A stipulation made by the Italian State of various Concordati (agreements, deed of arrangement) with non-native religious bodies present in Italy, considered by the State the most significant, as to establish rights and duties of different churches.
4. For employment as social duty
Employment needs to be foundation of the State and its primary objective whether manual, technical, intellectual or any other form. The State needs to guarantee private property, as consequence of work and individual saving and consolidation of human personality. This private property, however, should not become cause of disintegration of the physical and moral personality of other men through the abuse by others of their work.
In national economy all that in size and function passes from individual to collective interest belongs to the sphere of action enshrined in the State. Production as a whole needs to become unified from a national point of view as its objectives that are encapsulated in the welfare of individuals and the development of national power.
Against unemployment, precariousness and exploitation we propose:

  • Abolition of laws that favour precariousness and the so called “flexibility” (word used to denote the absolute power of capital over workforce) and the reinforcement of apprenticeship law with a respective trial period as sole mean to access the world of employment.
  • A new comprehensive labour law that sees permanent contract as the foundational work relationship, allowing other type of contracts only as exceptions and only for a brief amount of time determined by law.
  • Preservation and effective enforcement of Art. 41 of the Italian Constitution.  The abolition of such law, as requested widely, would mean to be subject to a turbo-capitalistic business concept. Effective enforcement of Art. 39, that sees a registration requirement for trade unions to enter into a collective working contract with binding force for all parties involved. Trade unions that are represented proportionally by numbers of members.
  • Protection policies for Italian workers to avoid they are exposed to competition with exploited slave workers in foreign countries that do not benefit from the same safeguarding (8 hours day, pension, maternity…) or to competition with immigrant workers forced to accept minimum wages or work on the black market.
  • Cultural re-evaluation of manual work in need of increased remuneration with added guarantees on the work place, with less years to retirement and less weekly working hours.
  • Cultural re-establishment of the ‘Umanesimo del Lavoro’, according to the foundational inspiration of Giovanni Gentile.
  • For all business with more than 50 workers we propose, in case of bankruptcy and mass lay-off of more than a third of its employees, a pre-emptive mandatory appeal against the decision in favour of a “socializzazione” of the company with subsequent interruption of legal procedures and introduction of criminal sanctions for the employer who plans to move its business abroad.
  • For the above-mentioned cases we propose the creation of a “socializzazione fund for business in financial trouble”, set up regionally, to help in the first two years of its “socializzazione” with a supply of funding necessary to recover business productivity. Funding will stop after this two-year period. During this period exemptions from the national collective work agreement are allowed, safeguarding minimum wages.

              5.  For the safeguard of common resources and strategic industries

              An ethical understanding of the State envisages a founding core of common goods not available to the market. Privatizations or rather financial dispossessions on behalf of private groups cannot cannibalize also vital goods such as water, energy and natural resources and strategic industries such as defence, aerospace, chemical and IT. These resources are property of the State that will be able to manage them in order to guarantee maximum efficiency diverting resulting profits into building and maintenance of welfare, development, education and public research.

              Against total control of our own vital functions we propose:

              • Nationalisation of energy, telecommunication and transport sectors.
              • Nationalisation of all natural resources (water, gas, etc.) and their distribution.
              • Redefining the mission of public companies (Eni, Enel, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Finmeccanica, Poste, previously city-owned) from a social point of view rather than merely from a business one and as national support.

              To avoid deaths caused by interests of the pharmaceutical lobby that rules the drug market we propose:
              • Strict control by the department of health over pharmaceutical policies.
              • Centralized public medical research to avoid that interests of pharmaceutical companies and investors hinder cures for main illnesses as is often the case nowadays.
              From a standpoint against financial expropriation (called privatization) we furthermore propose:
              • State- and people-controlled liability car insurance to detract large amounts of money from private insurance companies to be used for State support, development, education and public research.
              6. For social rights
              Privatizations are threatening those fundamental rights that guarantee people social dignity. Pensions have ended up in the mincer of private interests. Italy, fatherland of welfare, has conformed to American style slavery.
              Against the snatching of our future and to avoid becoming a nation of homeless people we propose:
              • Protection of our welfare (Inps).
              • Fixing of pension income with automatic re-evaluation according to cost of life.
              • Increase of minimum pension to guarantee the dignified existence of receivers.
              • Safeguard of free medical care.
              • Abolition of health tax
              • Reactivation of national health authority – Usl (today regionally managed and called Asl, in other words companies!) as national good and against the growing privatization of this sector.
              • Drastic reduction of resorting to private facilities inflated by public reimbursement.
              • Reclassification and modernization of public hospitals through the reorganization of large funds used today to fund useless and parasitic associations.
              • State production of main pharmaceutical active ingredients to avoid financial speculation in the main common drug development.
              For a fair and developing Inland Revenue:
              • Preservation of a progressive personal income tax (Irpef).
              • Introduction of the “family contributing factor”: this factor is fundamental in helping women who prefer to stay at home to take care of children. The factor would allow income to be taxed equally (more favourably) whether both or only one parent works. Meaning one income would be shared out between parents and seen as one only.
              • Full-scale tax reduction for people earning less than 15,000 Euros to guarantee a subsistence minimum of 1,250 Euros net per month per person.
              • Reform of Imu (tax on estate property)(Ici nel testo ma che ormai non c’è piu) with allocation of super tax rate for major owners (owning at least 4 properties in the same district) whose properties are inhabited.
              • Taxation increase for company owned major real estate assets.
              • Abolition of Irap (corporation tax) as it affects companies that already spend significantly in workforce. Punishing these companies means penalizing new recruitment and investment in further development of its employees.
              • Ending tax privileges granted to the Catholic Church and to large co-operative societies that are no longer governed by the principle of mutuality.
              • Fight against tax evasion and avoidance especially on behalf of major companies and multinationals. Strengthening of financial management with stronger powers of control of major companies.
              • Fight to authorized expropriation on behalf of sometimes private collection agencies that impose ludicrous fines with extortionate interests that affect those who have little money but nonetheless have few goods these agencies requisition rather then going after the real criminals, the millionaires that keep their goods hidden. We propose a ban on recording mortgages relating to principal housing, on legal interest rates applied to instalment credit, on revoking the possibility for Equitalia to conduct financial investigations. We also propose a decrease in the percentage paid to Equitalia on claims of minor tax penalties and a twofold increase in percentage on claims of major tax penalties to encourage Inland Revenue to pursue major tax evasions.

              7. For the right to maternity leave and the right to life

              The action planning of multinationals and high finance foresees, amongst other, the demographic death of Italy and Europe.  The cost of living, the devaluation of salaries, the impossibility to obtain housing has lead to zero population growth.
              Against the disappearance of Italy we propose:

              • Creation of a Maternity and Childhood body with a widespread territorial presence for the safeguard of mothers and newborns, able to assist pregnancy form an early stage ensuring appropriate scanning, free and high-quality gynaecological support.
              • Public promotion of breast-feeding and dispensation of formula milk produced by state funded pharmaceutical industry.
              • All-inclusive free child care for all.
              • Uninterrupted safeguarding of free paediatric care for all.
              • Widespread building of public nurseries with first choice admission given to Italian nationals.
              • Economic incentive for large families.
              • Revenue support through tax deduction for all expenses relating to childcare.
              • Support to single mums.
              • Support to separated fathers and redefinition of laws regarding child custody and maintenance in case of marital separation.
              • Immediate access to home ownership schemes through the Istituto del Mutuo Sociale (institute for social mortgage?)for expecting women.
              • Reduction in working hours from 8 to 6 for one parent in couples with children age 0-6. Income will remain unchanged with pay from employer reduced to 85% supplemented by 15% from the State (read complete project
              8.  For energy sovereignty
              National sovereignty can’t exist without energy sovereignty. It is paramount to launch a national energy programme that will make Italy energy independent, saving billions of Euros that we spend today buying from abroad highly polluting and rapidly depleting fossil fuels. As everything is energy dependent: home, health, progress, welfare, education, pension, work, children. Without energy, with little energy, with bad energy we will collapse in the miserable condition from which poor and unlucky countries are desperately trying to emerge.
              Against national submission we propose:
              • Nationalization of electric energy from production to distribution.
              • Return to thermonuclear energy.
              • Concrete and resolute funding for clean renewable energy: biomass, solar, wind, nuclear fusion.
              • Concrete and resolute public funding for research on: hydrogen, fuel cells, non-siliceous photovoltaic cells.
              • Feasibility studies on the introduction of bio fuels.
              9.  For home ownership rights through social mortgage (mutuo sociale)
              Against forced porletarianization, against bank loan usury and loan-sharking of obligated rent, against building speculation and the arbitrary power of a selected number of builders, all residents are to live in properties they own.
              Against a future as homeless we propose:
              • Construction on behalf of the State on public land of houses and neighbourhoods to be sold at a fair price to struggling families with monthly instalments that won’t exceed a fifth of their income, avoiding the tightening noose of the banking system.
              • Public construction sector, ‘Ventennio’ style (referring to the fascist 20 years of government),that wipes the pseudo-architectonic soviet-style horrors off our cities built by Christian-democrats and communist architects with the sole purpose to mortify human beings creating ghettos and unrest.
              • Social securitization. In other words homes controlled by public housing associations to be sold solely to tenants at a fair price granting them all rents paid over the years as purchase credits (see entire project on:

              10. For State-funded schools
              Schools need to be a privileged place of all-inclusive education where the student is protagonist and not mere user of a service. Schooling and education of young generations guarantee the future of our national community and forge in each student our national consciousness.  For this reason we believe that this sector needs to be removed from the clutches of whoever has particularistic interests (economic or denominational). It is the State’s responsibility to guarantee to all citizens access to qualified and qualifying education allowing an organic development of society.
              For this we ask:
              • Increased influence of student councils on board of governors with formation of school’s student representatives chosen by the council with right of veto at board of governors’ meetings.
              • Selection at regional level of a single book for each subject, chosen by a commission made of students as well as teachers to combat publishing houses speculation.
              • Unconditional support to state schools. Private schools are not to receive funding.
              • Put a stop to the influence of private business into Universities, which is not legally and economically controlled, directly by the universities themselves. We are against any proposition that would transform Italian universities to be subjected to the influence of private law.
              • Increase in Physical Education by 150%. Gyms and sport facilities are to lead and be equal in all institutions.
              • Regular organization of 10 day long nature camps in mountain and sea environment.
              11. For a non-conformist ecology
              We are our environment and our environment is us. The real problem is not avoiding pollution but the ability to breath in unison with the cosmos. Against the dreadful green fundamentalists and its taboos, which are often anti-ecological, we propose a luminous ecology that doesn’t penalise man but instead takes advantage of all his capabilities as builder, constructor and creator. For us there is more ecology in a redeemed city of ancestral value than in a “very natural” swamp.
              Against the uprooting of men from its territory and its heaven we propose:
              • Development of all organic farming
              • Re-evaluation of all maritime shorelines and rivers (with a ban on privatization of state properties).
              • Development of naval and rail transport.
              • Total computerization to overcome the bureaucratic burden of who has to  move in person to organise his life and in a way that is completely avoidable.
              • Completion on behalf of the State of all major enterprises that (contrary to green “dogma”) will improve transport and reduce pollution (Tav etc.).
              • Strengthening and empowering of natural reserves and parks with connected education.
              • Repopulation of at-risk wildlife.
              • Empowerment of forest and mountain rangers.
              • Unconditional support to mountaineering, underwater exploration, parachuting and all outdoors activity.
              • Re-evaluation, requalification and divulgation of the artistic heritage to be lived on a daily routine as opposed to monthly museum visits.
              • Condemnation and outlawing of all natural fur.
              12. For a free culture
              Culture means, etymologically, “cultivation” of man and national community. All bureaucratic or social measures are useless if the State is not able to involve its citizen in a spiritual awareness of its culture and environment.
              Therefore culture is the aroma against corruption and the stronghold against deformity.
              Culturally we propose:
              • Creation of a national cultural body that coordinates the entire national cultural production in all sectors linked to culture.
              • Formation of a state institution to form all ruling class.
              • Creation of “Culture Olympics” organized by the State regarding all major university subjects with a guaranteed access to work placement for all first ranked.
              • Control and legislation of the invasion of advertisement in TV programmes.
              • Relaunch of the Italian cinema in alliance with all main European cinemas in order to compete with the Hollywood myth.
              • Promotion, with all of the above in mind, of a European body for film co-production.
              • Drastic revision of the norms that allocate state funds to cinema projects. Abolition of support to useless self-referring films that dominate our cinemas and promotion of films inspired by the culture of our European heritage.
              13. For real justice
              Although the native land of Roman Law, Italy displays today, in its justice institutions a denial of all that is just, impartial and true. Endless trials, impartial judges, unfair privileges, media crucifixion, jail sentences used as blackmailing tools, misuse of justice collaborators, all of this turns our justice system into an infernal bureaucratic mechanism, a cold monster that strangles its citizen and dispossess its dignity, disintegrating all concepts of “polis”.
              Against subjection and for justice we propose:
              • Magistrate civic liability for gross negligence (rule that should have been introduced after the 1987 referendum, but has been systematically ignored).
              • Abolishment of lobbyism and political influence within the judiciary system.
              • Control of media bias within the judiciary system. Introduction of laws that retrace article 10 of the “Statut de la magistrature francaise” that states: Every hostility manifestation to the principles and forms of republic government is forbidden to magistrates, as well as all political manifestation that is incompatible with its unbiased nature.
              • Strict regulation of wiretapping.  Exemplary punishments in case of news leak. Ban on media publishing that can lead to jail sentence.
              • Amendment of the regulations concerning career progress with real meritocracy in the foreground.
              • Expenditure rationalization in the justice department that in Italy are at the moment huge and disproportionate compared to the rest of Europe and that offer only third-world services.
              • Decriminalization of ideological crimes.
              • Political solution to all judiciary issues related to the  “lead years”, amnesty for all who belonged to that period.

              14. For the defence of our national sovereignty
              Italy belongs to the Atlantic Alliance; this is a consequence of WW2 outcome and the long Cold War. The latter has ceased to exist since the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the implosion of Soviet communism; this means Italy’s involvement with Nato has more to do with mere routine than with anything else. Growth and transformation of other international players (China, India, Russia, Franco-German Pole) open new options for who intends to have a leading role in the future. Who neglects this is destined to disappear.
              Against national subjugation we propose:
              • Creation of a strategic European command for the development of an autonomous European military defence to substitute Nato.
              • Gradual demobilization of all foreign military bases present on our territory.
              • Development and strengthening of Italian and European aerospace engineering.
              • Broadening of eastward collaboration.
              • Restoration of “thirties” geopolitics towards the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean.
              • Active collaboration (cultural and economical) with Latin America.
              • Strengthening of national defence.
              • Restoration of compulsory military service for all, men and women 18 and above. The service can be carried out in the armed forces or in civil protection services. No postponement beyond A-levels is accepted.  The military service has to follow the Suisse model by which the service is mandatory every 5 years up to the age of 45.
              • Italy should have no restriction on any type of arms: from aircraft carriers to nuclear weapons.
              15. For a real political functionality and effectiveness
              “Democracy” has been up to now another term for fraud. If politicians are the servants of bankers – as is the case today – then popular sovereignty is emptied in favour of economic, criminal, confessional and supranational powers. The ultimate decision makers are, after all, the unelected potent institutions and usurper caste.
              We believe, however, in a different form of democracy; one that is organic and qualitative. Democracy as people’s participation in their own destiny. It is of crucial importance that a healthy political body, given participation as its basis, has decision as its height and selection as its depth.
              For effective functionality of institutions we propose:
              • Substitution of the Senate with a House of labour that guarantees fair representation of all work and production categories.  It will have a legislation and advisory function regarding all that concerns labour: trade union representation, defence and implementation of collective agreements, support of domestic production, economic planning.
              • Workers’ participation in management and profits of corporations.
              • Social participation in budget decision making, that sees citizens involved in choices regarding the allocation of expenses of part of the town budget.
              • Creation of a town hall consultative committee composed of representatives of local associations, of voluntary bodies and union trades and of entrepreneurship of craft industry.
              • Determination of age limit for the right to vote and the right to be elected set at 18.
              • Implementation of electronic means to deal with administrative matters that are cost-free and do not require human intercession.
              16. For a real implementation of the constitution
              The distance in time of men and parties that gave birth to the Constitution of the Italian Republic shouldn’t induce us to underestimate what in it expressed advanced social visions that were influenced by previous historical experience.
              For this reason Cpi (Casa Pound Italia) requires the immediate application of article 46 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic:” In order to economically and socially elevate labour in harmony with the needs of production, the Republic recognizes the right of workers to collaborate, within the limits established by the law, in the management of enterprises.”
              At the same time CPI requests that Italy’s social legislation be kept up to date with the ideas expressed in article 1, (“Italy is a Republic founded on work”), article 4 (“The Republic recognizes the right of all citizens to work and promote conditions which will make this right effective”), article 35 (“the Republic protects work in all its forms and applications”), article 36 (“Workers have the right to wages in proportion to the quantity and quality of their work and in all cases sufficient to ensure them and their families a free and dignified existence”), article 37 (“working women have the same rights and, for equal work, the same wages as working men”) of the Constitution.
              And in the same fashion we oppose to all attempts to suppress articles 41, 42, 43 in which is stated that private economic enterprises and private property is given direction and coordinated to social objectives and it may be expropriated by the State for purpose of general utility which relate to essential public services. All these articles are routinely violated by the petty antifascist and antisocial Italy that prides itself with the word “Constitution”.
              17. For sovereign authority, against police state
              Our notion of authority has nothing to do with the police state. A sovereign and organic state has no need to impose itself through the legalised tyranny of state officials. The violence that daily spills onto our streets, prisons and stadiums are symptoms of weakness and not strength on behalf of the State. Particularly shameful, in this sense, is that creeping death penalty that is represented by prison suicides.
              To put an end to such a spine-chilling situation we ask:
              • Creation of a parliamentary inquiry commission on prisons and prison officers to verify minimum conditions of liveability and the rehabilitation effectiveness of each and single penal institution.
              • Building of urgently needed new functional detention centres where prisoners can live with dignity and closing down of the dilapidated unliveable ones.
              • To draft a code of ethics which is legally binding for all law enforcement officers.
              • Introduction of a specific anti-torture legislation concerning behaviour of law enforcement officers in prisons and army barracks.
              • Compulsory wearing of individual badge numbers well visible on helmets or uniforms of riot police in order to better identify possible responsible of abuses.
              18. For a politics in the spirit of national sobriety
              The notable and imperative policy of social justice that needs to operate in a State worthy of its name will inevitably be costly. Hence the vital necessity to rigorously contain expenses in a spirit of frugality and sobriety that should be free from unpopular sentiment that often comes with such policies.
              Following is a list of possible measures to recover funds to implement social policies:
              • Significant and methodical fight against tax fraud and evasion.
              • To devolve the ‘eight per thousand’ for national health (otto per mille: Italian law under which the taxpayer con choose to devolve a compulsory 0.8% from their annual income tax return between an organised religion or a social assistance scheme).
              • Cutting all contributions to private schools in accordance to article 33, third comma, of the constitution.
              • Reorganization of subsidies to families, public bodies and business.  There are more than 1300 subsidies, many of which reflect the welfare state mentality at its worst: they need to be trimmed down, made accessible, targeted and therefore more efficient; avoiding across-the-board cuts while thoroughly restructuring to safeguard the virtuous and useful features.
              • Reorganization of subsidiaries and the local public authorities involved by drafting a public service mission that will grant service priority to citizens, reduce exposure to debt, streamline organizational procedures and render them partially independent from the related authorities.
              • Elimination of futile government bodies that exist merely to justify the salaries of its employees; these cost the State more than 1 billion Euros per year.
              • Reorganization of funds for the printed press (funds that to date are given to ghost publications devoid of any cultural, social or informative significance) and those for the performing arts.
              As footnote to the above, it is vital to impose a broader political platform (lucid and not populist) aimed at eradicating the parasite oligarchies that bleed the state treasuries. Therefore, we need to cut the costs of politics, with subsequent elimination of senseless and unjust privileges and streamline the ‘other castes’, from the trade unions to the judiciary.